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Speaking about the concept of sustainable development, ecological education obtains the status of integrating factor of education in general, and determines its strategic target. Our company shares the opinion.

45 employees including top management of the company upgraded their skills following the program Industrial Ecological Safety Assurance, 13 employees were trained under program Assuring ecological safety when handling hazardous wastes in 2009.

In 2010 Federal state educational institution of supplementary professional education State Academy of Industrial Management named after Pastukhov N.P. (Yaroslavl city) trained 35 employees under program Development and Implementation of Integrated Management System (ISO 14000), seminars were arranged for OJSC TANECO top management. In November 2011, 35 employees are supposed to be trained under program Internal Audit of Integrated Management System. In December 2010, 42 employees were additionally trained to get the permission for hazardous wastes handling. All employees of the company pass examination when obtain the permit for hazardous wastes handling, and that also includes check of the knowledge on environmental safety assurance.

Every month Industrial Safety Days are held in different departments of the company where environmental safety issues are discussed.

The company plans to have regular trainings and certification of employees for environmental safety, internal training of environmental legislation.

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