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The main noise sources on the Complex industrial site are Furnace burners, Flare burners, Pump units, Compressors, Air coolers, Air blowers and others. Their location, dimensions and building performance are determined by design documentation. The equipment has been selected with due consideration of current noise limitation - 80 dBA on the working places in the operational buildings, according to GOST 12.1.003-83. Thus, the requirements of RF legislation regarding noise control are met.

The results of acoustic calculations in Stadia Project shows that specific acoustic pressure in the test points is not exceed set sanitary and hygienic standards during nighttime – 45 dBA. After selection of process equipment with due consideration of current noise limitation – 80 dBA., as well as noise protective measures allowing to meet standards on working places and operational buildings the level of noise within the aggregation will conform the sanitary and hygienic standards. Noise will be collected on the territory of industrial zone and will not get beyond the sanitary protection zone.

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